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Born in Turkey, 1977; currently living in İstanbul. He is happily married and has 1 kid. He has been interested in photography for over 20 years. He specializes in nature, landscape and astro photography. He is very skilled in long exposure shooting, timelapse and time bending. He has been using Fuji systems ever since 2017... In his shootings, he mostly uses medium format cameras. The colours that the Fuji cameras create surpasses most of the machines he has used where in nature, the colour ambiance and the truthfulness matter most. He has used all medium format cameras and cameras with x trans sensors from Fuji but at last, he has chosen to use GFX100-XT4 and X100V up to date machines. He is also giving private lessons, workshop and photography tours.



I use FujiFilm mirrorless cameras on the field...

FUJIFILM GFX 100 Medium Format Camera

Fujinon 23mm - Fujinon 32-64mm - Fujinon 100-200

FUJIFILM XT4 As a backup and timelapse / video camera
Fujinon 16mm - Fujinon 35mm - Fujinon 55-200  - Zeiss 85mm - Zeiss 135mm - Voigtlander 58mm

FUJIFILM X100V Street photography camera...

Lee Filters 100 system.

Gitzo tripods

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